Our Story

The vision for Table Tallow seemed to have started nearly 5 years ago as Trey, my husband, and I took steps in opening up a small beard oil business when we were living in Texas.


It all started when we were dating, I made him a small bottle of homemade beard oil made from organic, nourishing oils with additional essential oils. He LOVED it. He kept telling me that I needed to make a business of it, but I didn't take him seriously until a year after we were married.


We did a trial run, just for fun and sold to local friends and family. It was a small-town hit, but at the time was only a hobby to us since we both had full schedules working for a university ministry. Having a website and shipping across the U.S. seemed crazy at the time. Needless to say, experiences like that really brought on perspective for us, as we began taking a look at what it would be like to start Table Tallow.


After many life transitions, including moving to Louisiana, job changes & becoming parents, my husband and I began to ask God for the next step for our family. I had a million business ideas floating in my head, but the one that stuck out was creating a non-toxic, artisan skincare company. I began learning the art of rendering tallow, and building relationships with farmers. Things started to come together.


Fast forward to 2023, and we are in business, providing high-quality tallow products that nourish the skin! It's been a joy and an honor! We hope these little jars of tallow balm bless you and your family!